Our Quantity feature allows you to launch duplicate forms in one package. When launching duplicate forms, the first form will have prefill functionality, but the duplicate forms will not populate with any prefilled data.
Note: The ability to prefill duplicate forms will be a feature we release later in 2024
What is the Benefit of Launching Duplicate Forms?
This feature is useful when you want to launch duplicate forms and not have any data prefilled across them.
Use Case Examples:
- You want to generate the same form for different people
- You want to generate the same form for different account numbers
How to Launch Duplicate Forms
- Once you've added people on the Add People tab, go to the Finalize tab
- From there, select the Forms Quantity from the Qty column:
- Click on Launch Forms
The form viewer will show the first instance of the form being prefilled if client data was selected to prefill, and the duplicate forms will be blank. Below is an example.
First instance of form in package (prefilled):
Second instance of form in package (blank):
Note: Alternate Data Buttons are available so you still prefill certain sections of the blank copy with another role if that data is already present on the first instance of the form.