Before we explain how to add your proprietary forms to Quik!, we want to ensure you have a clear understanding of how proprietary forms work throughout our Quik! products.
What are proprietary forms? Proprietary forms belong to a specific firm, and only that firm has the authority to add, update, delete, or modify them. For example, forms in the Pershing library are proprietary forms that only employees of Pershing have the authority to modify within the Quik! Platform. Pershing doesn't have access to controlling any forms that aren't in their own proprietary Pershing library. These forms are part of a forms library which can be either public or private.
What are public or private libraries? Public libraries are generally used for product sponsors or clearing firms that want all Quik! users to be able to view and generate their forms. Private libraries are generally used by broker dealers who want to limit access to only pre-approved financial professionals. In both cases, the firm that owns the forms is still the only one who can modify the forms and their metadata.
How can I add in my firm’s proprietary forms? If you have proprietary forms that you would like Quik! to build, please send them to Our policy is to finish building forms and have them ready for you to use in under 10 business days. Rush orders are available by request.