If you forgot your password, we can send you a link to create a new password to get you back into your account. Once you reset or change your password, you'll need to update it on all the devices where you use the Quik! App.
- Go to www.quikforms.com to request a password reset.
- 2. Click on Can't Log In?
- Enter your Username and click Send Login Link
- From the email, click Reset Password. Check the email address connected to your account for a password reset email. If you don't see the email in your inbox, please be sure to check your spam folder
- Enter New Password twice. Once you click Reset, your account will automatically go back to the Quik! App login screen, or you can click here to get back to the home page.
- Success! Your new password has been saved!
If you still have issues logging in, please let us know at support@quikforms.com.