Let's get started
It's pretty simple-- in order to launch a form, you first need to find it! Use the Search Forms button on your home screen to start. This will lead you to the search page where you can choose the forms you need. Note: This page offers multiple ways to choose forms, based on which tab is selected (ALL, FOLLOWED COMPANIES, FAVORITES, and FORM BUNDLES). Once you have searched for and selected your forms, it is time to move on to either ADD PEOPLE or FINALIZE by clicking on the tabs at the top.
This article covers how to use the ALL tab--see How to Add Followed Companies and How to Search Form Bundles for guides on how to choose forms using those tabs.
How To
From the home screen, under Start Form Packages, click on the Search Forms button.
You will now see 3 sections across the top of the page, indicating the 3 main steps of the Quik! App process: CHOOSE FORMS, ADD PEOPLE, and FINALIZE.
By default, you will start on the Choose Forms page under the ALL tab. You now have multiple options to search for forms by Companies, or Form ID. Note: If a box is grayed out, it means you need to select a company first.
Companies: Click on the Companies field to see a drop-down of all public companies. You can either type into the field to narrow down the list or simply scroll through the drop-down to select a company. Either way, once you click on a company name, you will see all of their forms displayed on the right. Scroll through the results on the right to find and select the form(s) you need.
Form Search: If you have already selected a company, you can then narrow down your search in the Form Search field by title, State, or Lit Number.
- Form ID: If you already know the form ID or the form you need, you can enter it in the Form ID section. Note: The form ID is a number given to a form in Quik!. This form number is not listed on the form author's forms. This is only a Quik! number.
Every time you search based on one of the criteria described above, you will see that search tag above the list of forms in green under “This is your criteria”. Click the X on each criteria tag to remove it from your search results, or remove them all with the Clear All button. Search results can be sorted by many different fields, and displayed in both List View and Icon View.
Select which forms you would like to launch by clicking the blue SELECT button next to each Form Name. Every time a form is selected, it is added to your forms basket. The first time you search for a form, the basket will expand on the right. Just click back into the main app window to close the basket, and continue searching for and selecting forms to add.
You can also choose forms by searching through your ALL, FOLLOWED COMPANIES, FAVORITES, or FORM BUNDLES. Once you have searched for and selected your forms, it is time to move on to either ADD PEOPLE or LAUNCH by clicking on the tabs at the top.