Our integration with Advisors Assistant is a bit different than other CRMs. For Advisors Assistant, rather than Quik! mapping to their fields, Advisors Assistant maps to our fields and pushes the data through SSO.
The list of fields that can be prefilled from Advisors Assistant (assuming the customer has client data entered for them in Advisors Assistant) is found below. This list is subject to change with future releases of Advisors Assistant.
Important: To ensure access to all the fields below, please confirm your Advisors Assistant station is up to date with the latest version. To determine your current version, click Help and then About in your Advisors Assistant station. Users will see their Program Version listed. Please upgrade to Program Version .177. Please reach out to Advisors Assistant's support team for help with getting the latest station update.
Advisors Assistant Fields |
Bank Account Number |
Bank Account Type |
Bank Address (City) |
Bank Address (Number and Street) |
Bank Address (State) |
Bank Address (Suite/Unit) |
Bank Name |
Bank Routing Number |
Business / Employer Address (City) |
Business / Employer Address (Country) |
Business / Employer Address (Number and Street) |
Business / Employer Address (State) |
Business / Employer Address (Suite/Unit) |
Business / Employer Address (Zip) |
Business / Employer Fax |
Business / Employer Name |
Business / Employer Phone |
Business / Employer Phone Extension |
Citizenship Country |
Date of Birth |
Driver's License (Expiration Date) |
Driver's License (ID Number) |
Driver's License (Issued Date) |
Driver's License (Issuing State) |
Estimated Net Worth ($) |
First Name |
Gender |
Home Address (City) |
Home Address (Country) |
Home Address (Number and Street) |
Home Address (State) |
Home Address (Suite/Unit) |
Home Address (Zip) |
Home Email Address |
Home Phone Number |
Last Name |
Marital Status |
Middle Name |
Mobile Phone Number |
Name Salutation (Mr., Mrs., etc.) |
Name Suffix (Jr., Sr., etc.) |
Number of Dependents |
Occupation |
Passport (Expiration Date) |
Passport (ID Number) |
Passport (Issued Date) |
Residency Status |
Social Security Number |
Tax Bracket (%) |
Tobacco |
Total Income |
Trust Address (City) |
Trust Address (Country) |
Trust Address (Number and Street) |
Trust Address (State) |
Trust Address (Suite/Unit) |
Trust Address (Zip) |
Trust Date |
Trust Name |