Alternate Data Buttons
When a user fills out a form, the more data that is available and prefilled onto the form, the less work the user must do. Generally a form is prefilled with client data that aligns to specific roles (Owner 1, Owner 2, Beneficiary 1, Contingent Beneficiary 1, etc.). Alternative Data Buttons give users the ability to select any client data that has been sent to a form, and prefill fields with it. In other words, Alternate Data Buttons lets users change field data on the fly, just by selecting a client's name.
Default Alt Data Button:
The Alternative Data Button is the "+" (plus sign) next to a block of fields that contain alternate data. When the user clicks this button the Choose Alternate Data popup appears with the list of available records to choose from. By default, every client record output to the form (not just Owner1) will appear, including rep information. The user then clicks the desired record and that data is inserted into the data block on the form.
Default Alt Data Button Pop-Up:
Alternate Data Buttons are currently available for the following Record Blocks:
Contact Name
Social Security Number
Representative Numbers