Let's get started
Quik! has recognized that there is sometimes a need for signatures on a form to be set as optional rather than required for E-Sign. Since all signatures are marked as required by default, this article will guide you through the steps needed to configure signatures as optional. The end result is that the end user will have the option of signing a particular field rather than making it required for them to sign.
How To
To get started, we need to utilize what we call Field Rules within our Quik! Forms Enterprise Manager (QFEM). Please email us at support@quikforms.com to access the Quik! Forms Enterprise Manager.
NOTE: Use of Field Rules requires some familiarity with how Quik! fields are named - please consult the Quik! Field Definition Reference Guide before configuring field rules, and do not hesitate to contact Quik! support for training and assistance. Quik! does not typically create rules directly for customers/partners, but instead, we offer tools and training to help get you started.
Under "Add New Field Rule", you will see 4 different ways to add new field rules:
By Partial Field Name (tied to only part of a Quik! Field Definition)
By Base Field Name (tied to a Quik! Field Definition) *Note: You can disregard this option. Do not choose this option for Optional Signatures!
By Role Name (can include a role number if desired, or leave blank to assign a rule to all fields with that role on the form(s))
By Full Field Name (the most specific setting- assigns rule to a complete Quik! Field such as 1own.Fname for Owner 1 First Name only)
Below are some example Use Cases for each option:
Partial Field Name:
- Use the Partial Field Name "SignInitials" if you want to make all signatures on a particular form optional
- Note: Because this isn't a very specific rule, it's essential to choose which Company and Form ID this rule applies to after adding it.
Role Name:
- Use "1own" if you want to make all signature fields optional for Owner 1 on a particular form
- Note: Because this isn't a very specific rule, it's important to choose which Company and Form ID this rule applies to after adding it.
Full Field Name:
- Use the entire field name to make one particular signature on a form optional, i.e., "1own.221.1.SignInitials"
- Note: Our signature fields always contain the Form ID within the field name, so you know the rule will only ever apply to that particular form. Therefore, there is no need to select the Company and Form ID after adding this rule.
We will use the Full Field Name option for the rest of this tutorial.
- Type in the Full Field Name that you'd like to make optional
- For Attribute Type, select "OptionalEsignField."
- Attribute Value = True
- Recipient Type = (Optional)
Next, click "Add Rule."
If you'd like to add another rule, you can do so now.
Once you're done adding rules, since we are using the Full Field Name option, there is no need to specify which company or form the rule applies to because Quik! ensures that all Signature fields on forms are unique. You can now click "Add Rules" at the bottom.
When you scroll to the top of the page, you will see your newly created rule with a status of "Test":
Although we have a Test option, it does not currently apply to Optional Signatures; therefore, you can change "Test" to "Active" for your chosen rule.
Press Save:
Now, you can launch the form from the Quik! App and verify that the signatures appear as optional in DocuSign.