Let's get started
Below you will find step by step instructions on how to save forms, or you can what the video below.
Once you launch a form, you can save it in the Quik! Form Viewer with the Save button.
Click the Save button, enter a descriptive name (e.g., "Peter Parker - IRA App") in the Document Name field, and click Save.
After you have named your document and clicked Save, you will see a second window pop-up at the top of your screen confirming your forms were successfully saved, click OK.
Note: If you do not click OK your forms were not successfully saved to your Quik! App account.
Your form is now saved to your account. You can locate your saved forms on the Quik! App Home Screen, under Resume Workflow> Saved Forms.
Important notes about Saved Forms:
- Saved forms will be available in your account for 180 days. After 180 days, they will be deleted automatically. You'll see an expiration date next to each form.
- Once forms are sent for signature, they will appear in the Resume Workflow section under Saved Forms as READ ONLY. Users can print their forms as PDFs and manually send them out for signature, but users will not be able to resubmit them for signature through their Quik! App.
- When a user chooses to save a form, the form and its contents are stored on the Quik! server. This is the only time in which Quik! stores any client data (whether read in from a CRM or manually entered by the user). To secure this data, Quik! individually encrypts every single field on the form. Breaching our system and accessing data would not only require passing through many layers of system architecture (e.g. firewalls, private networks, etc.) but then uniquely breaking the decryption of every single field on a form, simply to view an unfinished form where the state and validity of the data are unknown since Quik! form data is not associated with any actual transaction. Quik! has taken these extra steps to obfuscate and encrypt form data to ensure the safety and security of client data stored in this step of the user workflow.
- If a form ID is updated by the Quik! Forms Team while it is saved, the latest version will be reflected when the saved form is re-launched by the user, with all field data still intact. For steps on how to re-launch a saved form, see here.